We have had a very busy week. We attended a school function for Ian who just graduated from Key Elementary School.

Like his younger brother, he finished the year with many honors and some of the top awards in his class. We're so very proud of him.

This beautiful little girl is one of his classmates. She also took many awards (I think she should have won most beautiful, but that award wasn't on the itinerary)

One of Ian's good friends, Grayson, was awarded the top honor of the 6th grade. I am so proud of him. He's such a polite and well mannered young man along with being very bright. He's a pleasure to be around.

Grayson's Dad and Franklin, our son, were roommates in college and have remained good friends throughout the years. Ian participated in a math/science project and was also rewarded for this. They received medals as well as certificates.

They're all a group of smart young people and they did their school proud.
After the awards ceremony we were treated to a brunch. The food was good and it was great to see the young people having such a good time. It wasn't Brennan's, but it was very tasty.
After the awards ceremony we were treated to a brunch. The food was good and it was great to see the young people having such a good time. It wasn't Brennan's, but it was very tasty.
We all posed for photos when the brunch was over and then everyone scattered and tried to figure out what they would do in their spare time this summer.

The proud grandparents had to get in on the act as well :-)

Here he is with two of his best buddies.

I have to interject here that our daughter in law, Beth, received a commendation from the school as the person who is most most active and involved at Key Elementary. This was certainly well deserved recognition. She's at the school every day and gives a lot of her time and energy there. She does an excellent job. I don't know what they'll do when Connor graduates as no one will be as committed as she has been over the years!
We kept Harry, our Granddog this weekend and we had a great time. That's the way to have a pet ... a few days and then he goes back home.
As much as we travel, we really can't have an animal as it wouldn't be fair to any of us. They need full time care and we aren't ready for that just yet.
As much as we travel, we really can't have an animal as it wouldn't be fair to any of us. They need full time care and we aren't ready for that just yet.

Harry is such a good boy and such a delight to have around, that we keep him every chance we get.
The Scottish Festival was going on this weekend and Franklin and Beth were working there, so that's why we got to keep Harry. When we were about to leave for church yesterday morning, Frank came running down the hall shouting "get the camera", so of course I did. I had no idea what was going on but I never pass up a Kodak moment. He led me into the kitchen and lo and behold, there was a mallard and his lady friend swimming around in our pool!
The Scottish Festival was going on this weekend and Franklin and Beth were working there, so that's why we got to keep Harry. When we were about to leave for church yesterday morning, Frank came running down the hall shouting "get the camera", so of course I did. I had no idea what was going on but I never pass up a Kodak moment. He led me into the kitchen and lo and behold, there was a mallard and his lady friend swimming around in our pool!

I couldn't believe my eyes, so I zoomed in for a closer look and there they were, as big as life. What a delightful surprise on a Sunday morning.

I hated to leave, but church called. We brought Harry into the house so he wouldn't disturb them but alas, they were gone when we returned.
On Thursday afternoon we hosted a swim party for Ian's friends. They all had a great time and were here for over 5 hours. It was the perfect end for a great school year. The slide show is in the following post, so be sure and scroll down.
I don't have much more to tell. Still studying Dante's Purgatory and it's a real witch with a capital "B". Papa's at the baseball game tonight and I'm ready to curl up with a good book which is the quickest way for me to fall asleep. Have a great week and we'll "chat" again soon.
On Thursday afternoon we hosted a swim party for Ian's friends. They all had a great time and were here for over 5 hours. It was the perfect end for a great school year. The slide show is in the following post, so be sure and scroll down.
I don't have much more to tell. Still studying Dante's Purgatory and it's a real witch with a capital "B". Papa's at the baseball game tonight and I'm ready to curl up with a good book which is the quickest way for me to fall asleep. Have a great week and we'll "chat" again soon.
XOXO, Pcasso