Monday, August 3, 2009


I have had a fairly busy past couple of weeks. Our 51st wedding anniversary was yesterday.

People keep asking how old we were when we married since we don't look old enough to have been married that long and my answer always is that we were just children when we tied the knot! If the truth were known, the picture below tells the whole story;-)

I have just accidentally made a new discovery. If you double click on a photograph in the body of a post, it will then enlarge it in a seprate window where you can see it both bigger and better!!!
We went to church yesterday, out for breakfast afterwards with our Sunday morning breakfast group, and then came home for a little rest. As some of you already know, I went to my Internist and aside from old age, I'm in fairly good shape for the shape I'm in. Here he is with my favorite nurse, Susan.

Apparently my breathing challenges came from a pretty severe asthma attack. My X-rays showed that my lungs are clear and my blood work was all right. However, I still have very little stamina and my back is extremely painful when I walk, so he has referred me to a Neurologist for the numbness in my feet and to a Pain Management doctor for my back. Due to my advanced Scoliosis I am in a great deal of pain. I had polio as a child and it is thought that this is the result of the illness. My spine looks a lot like this.

I am now in the process of waiting to hear from the other doctors to make sure I can see them and hopefully get things straightened out (if only my spine COULD be straightened out!) I'm sorry that it has taken me so long to send this "report" but I didn't have much to report until now. My breathing is much better, he has prescribed an additional rescue inhaler and when we get the pain in control I should be like new again ... well, maybe not NEW, but better that I have been in a while.
Our friends, the Whitebreads, came over the beginning of last week for drinks and then we went out for dinner.

Their daughter was Franklin's baby sitter when he was just a little guy and we have remained friends through the years. We went to a Thai restaurant that is in our neighborhood that we all really like.

I had a very pleasant surprise on my birthday. My gift was the new Apple 3GS iPhone and I'm having so much fun with it. Don't know how I have lived without it for so long. It does everything but vacuum and wash the dishes!

If it did those 2 things, I might trade Papa in for a newer model ;-) Here is the first photo that I took with it ... not bad for a phone! Of course, I'm only kidding since nothing could replace Papa!

I have also joined Facebook and through a little research, I have found a long time childhood friend. She is now a PHD and lives in Virginia. She, Jo Ann and I were cheerleaders together back in the dark ages.

Her family lived down the street from us and we spent many hours together reading Nancy Drew mysteries and exploring the old Cass Edwards Ranch which was at the end of our street...those were wonderful days! I mentioned Jo Ann in a post last June. It's like some of the old "gang" is resurfacing ... could a reunion be in order?Papa took me out last night for an Anniversary meal and it was delicious.

The steak had a big blob of bourbon-flavored butter on top and even though I'm not a big fan of bourbon, it was larapin! Here's the anniversary boy himself trying to decide what to order.

Ian went to Central Market in Fort Worth on Thursday night to hear one of their favorite bands, The Kildares. They invited him on stage to play with them. He's like Palladin in the old TV days ... instead of a gun, it's "Have Guitar .. Will Travel" :-)

Quite a thrill for an 11 year old! Beth sent this photograph from her iPhone. Wish I could have seen him.
I might throw in at this point that I have been having trouble with my old Pcasso's Page so I've started a new page. You can always go back to the older posts and bookmark them if you feel so inclined. The site is either Pcasso's Page or go to
Sorry for the inconvenience!
Guess I'd better close for now. I haven't had too much to say as I've been trying to take it easy until I know more about my back. Thank you again for the prayers. They are working!
XOXO, Pcasso

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