Sunday, October 3, 2010


We have been in California and were at the Monterrey Aquarium two weeks ago when I fell in love with this wonderful little creature. They call them animals, but I think they look more like a creatures from another planet.

I had so much fun photographing the aquatic life there that I couldn't wait to post this photo as well as the following movie. The leafy sea dragon or Glauerts Seadragon, is a marine fish in the family Syngnathidae, which also includes the seahorses. It is the only member of the genus Phycodurus. It is found along the southern and western coasts of Australia. The name is derived from the appearance, with long leaf-like protrusions coming from all over the body. These protrusions are not used for propulsion; they serve only as camouflage. The leafy sea dragon propels itself by means of a pectoral fin on the ridge of its neck and a dorsal fin on its back closer to the tail end. These small fins are almost completely transparent and difficult to see as they undulate minutely to move the creature sedately through the water, completing the illusion of floating seaweed.
I will start my posts of this trip some time next week once we are unpacked and rested, but I wanted to say hello and show you a little of what we saw on our trip. If you click on the arrow in this video you will be able to see the magical qualities of these little creatures.

Have a great week. I'll be back soon!

XOXO, Pcasso


  1. Glad you are home Pat! Looks like another wonderful trip. Thanks so much for sharing. I've missed your blogs. love you!

  2. It's always good to be back but we had such a good time I hated to leave. I miss the ocean!
